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Who is Calcstress?

Collating Data

Calcstress is a professional website in piping (stress) engineering field. It provides a platform for gathering and sharing technical knowledge, calculating and modeling methods and professional engineers’ experiences which are known as lesson learned. Improving the engineering knowledge in this field is our main goal. For achieving the objective, some following tools are provided in the website:

  • Technical Papers:


This section consists of documents on which our studies about basis of some piping stress engineering methods are formed. The presented knowledge gives users an opinion about philosophy of formulas, criteria, assumptions and limitations on which some common engineering methods or codes are based on. Knowledgeable engineers who are familiar with the basis and limitation of those methods make use of them effectively. Nothing has been invented by us but in some cases users may recognise clearly our interpretation which may be different from theirs.

  • Calculation Sheets:

Analysing the Numbers

For better understanding of the engineering methods and practices, some calculation sheets have been developed. Some graphs are used to illustrate how the methods work. Also users are enabled to compare some similar methods with each other. These sheets must not been used for a professional engineering practice (See Disclaimer).They are deemed to be used for understanding the concepts of methods. For example users can see a system sensibility to a parameter change. Also these sheets give users an idea to develop their own calculation sheets.

  • Modeling

Data on a Touch Pad

This section consists of examples which are based on presented subjects in the technical paper. In this part, some methods and challenges in computer modeling of piping systems are illustrated by using some training pictures. Moreover, due to the fact that there is no possibility to evaluate some special stress problems by beam-element-based software, such as calculation of local stresses or assessment of buckling effects, the presented calculation sheets could be useful as guidance for informed engineers who are familiar with the basis and limitation of those methods. The results have been discussed by means of interactive graphs which demonstrate the effects of design conditions and assumptions.

  • Lesson Learned

Go Team

Engineering errors are a priceless source to prevent similar faults if they are shared among and used by engineers. Some of them caused large damages before. Using the experiences in our design is beneficial to our whole community by preventing those disasters. Lesson learned benefit all involved sectors of a project in the following way:

  • Knowledge improvement

  • Team efficiency improvement

  • Cost reduction

  • Design consistency

Regarding to the Canadian law, engineers are accountable for their design. Each lesson learned comes from an experience which has been incorporated in some certain conditions. So it is engineers’ responsibility to ensure that using a previous experience provides them with enough safety margins. We are trying to build a platform enabling engineers to share their experiences as lesson learned. A mechanism to gather and present users’ experience will be introduced soon.

How to reach us?

Working with Coffee

For now, you can reach us and share your thought and idea by sending emails. It is on our plan to devise a method to receive your materials and publish them in the site as well as a better interactive communication. Your opinions and suggestions help us to place us in the best way to be more beneficial and interactive. We are not faultless, so we will be grateful if you let us know any mistakes in the site.


This website is not designed for being used in a professional engineering practice. For being applied in a professional engineering service, engineers should select proper codes, standards and valid references which are error-free and comprehensive enough for the particular situation. Regarding Canadian law, engineers are responsible for their design. Nothing can deny engineers’ accountability in selecting proper and valid for calculations. Because we cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy (faultlessness) of all materials in this website, this site must not be used in a professional engineering practice. Users agree to all terms and conditions mentioned in the site by accessing and using the website.

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